Hello #SocialMediaSaturday! Did you know…Use the same social networks as your audience. Are Facebook and Twitter their platforms of choice? Do most of them use Pinterest and Instagram? Go where your target audience is to create awareness,engagement, and brand ambassadors. <author: Pam Dyer, 12 Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy>


Taking time to live life will only inspire your work.


#SocialMediaSaturday tip: Set aside some time at the beginning of each week to prepare. Take 30-60 minutes to schedule tweets, Facebook posts, LinkedIn posts, Pinterest pins, and other social media content. Come up with some original ideas, links to your own content, and links to outside content that is useful or interesting to your audience. <author: Pam Dyer, 12 Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy>

Oh my, Bit.ly blacklisted by Google…read more:http://blog.sucuri.net/2014/10/bit-ly-blacklisted-by-google-safe-browsing.html

#SocialMedia tip: Post content that is relevant to newsworthy topics and events. As soon as breaking news comes out about anything related to your brand or industry, you should share your opinion and become part of the conversation. <author: Pam Dyer, 12 Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy>

#SocialMedia tip: Assign someone to act as a customer service rep. It’s vital to be responsive to user generated content, comments, and feedback (positive or not). CRM (customer relationship management) is a fundamental to social media marketing success. Check out my Customer Service pkg:https://kimmcdaniels.com/customer-service-set-up/