Yes, it’s the day before Thanksgiving here in the USA and we all know what that means…#BlackFriday, the BIGGEST sales of the year. Included in this weekend of buy buy buy is Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. Take your pick for which sale you might want to participate in.

So how do you stand out from all the rest on social media during this weekend? You create a ‘Sales GIF’!

  1. Choose a product or service to market.
  2. You need 3 slides or images
    1. 1: Name of the sale, ie Black Friday (or any other event like #CyberMonday #SmallBizSat
    2. 1: 30% off, or whatever your discount or sale amount
    3. 1: image of your product/service, name of sale, discount
  3. Go to and choose Documents, Presentation (16:9).
    Use any of the layouts that are given to you or upload your own background. Continue to design using the Text feature.
    Tip: there are numerous FREE layouts and text to choose from.
  4. Download the 3 images in png or jpg format.
  5. To create your GIF, go to:
  6. Social Media post example: Celebrate the #BlackFriday #weekend with 30% off Visual Social Media Branding Package at [ for website or shop] !
  7. Twitter: Attach/Upload GIF like you would a normal media image.
    Facebook: Upload GIF to your website and get the URL. Paste the URL into the FB status. Wait to populate, add text, delete the GIF URL and publish!

Here’s my Tweet example: