Wondering WHY you’d want to be on Pinterest? Take a look at my stats & read this article about the new “smart feed” on Pinterest and do some pinning! http://www.business2community.com/pinterest/pinterest-smart-feed-implications-businesses-01035980


Study shows number of marketing videos uploaded directly to Facebook will outnumber those added to YouTube by end of year. #FacebookFridayhttp://marketingland.com/facebook-new-youtube-trends-show-brands-will-uploading-videos-straight-facebook-youtube-end-2014-104362


There are some fabulous Facebook tools out there, and they can help push your Facebook marketing campaign forward with contests, insights, advertising, and more. http://blog.bufferapp.com/facebook-tools


A timely take on “Zombie Marketing” tactics.https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/advisor/zombie-marketing-tactics-dead-practices-still-life-212021585.html