2 fab articles about how to use Twitter Analytics & Twitter Cards for your biz.http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/twitter-analytics/http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/twitter-cards-types/
If you’re not an expert at anything, it’s time to get started. When you really know a specific area of your field thoroughly, you have the opportunity to showcase that knowledge.http://www.business2community.com/branding/focus-branding-company-01031644
Oooop’s don’t make these branding mistakes.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jose-vasquez/top-7-branding-mistakes-t_b_5882892.html
The five most important elements of a digital campaign consist of mobile considerations, organic search, social media marketing, content marketing and lead nurturing. http://www.forbes.com/sites/thesba/2014/10/13/five-important-digital-marketing-elements-to-consider/