Wishing you a joyous #TwitterTuesday! Did you know…You can use 140 characters if you want, but research shows that the most engaging Tweets are between 110 and 115 characters. There’s almost a 34% higher probability of ReTweets and replies on Tweets between 110 and 115 characters.
#TwitterTuesday tip: Hashtags make your Tweets visible to a wider audience on trending Twitter topics. Tweets with relevant hashtags have a 55% higher probability of getting ReTweeted as compared to plain text Tweets.
An OMG #TwitterTuesday moment… Tweets capped with quotation marks are likely to attract almost 30% more ReTweets.
Image based Tweets have always been known to attract higher engagement and a much higher number of RTs. But exactly how much? Almost 200% more! #TwitterTuesday
Try Twitter SMS: It expands the reach of your Tweets by sending them as SMS to your subscribers. People can subscribe to your Twitter mobile updates by sending an SMS “Follow <YourTwitterHandle>” to 40404 (this code is different for every country <https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170024> But make sure you create a separate Twitter account for the mobile subscribers, so that they don’t get irritated by continuous messages. Use this feature selectively and only when you have something important to communicate.
Read more at http://www.business2community.com/twitter/boost-twitter-engagement-data-driven-answer-01039697#4PHpaOdzdrPkYMEx.99