WordPress Wednesday… January 7, 2015

Super awesome… build a mobile app out of your WordPress site. Just do it! http://www.wpdailythemes.com/blog/building-app-wordpress-website/
Super awesome… build a mobile app out of your WordPress site. Just do it! http://www.wpdailythemes.com/blog/building-app-wordpress-website/
Not quite sure how to use Twitter for your iBiz? Use it as a newspaper. http://thefusejoplin.com/2014/12/twitter-latest-update-4-tips-tricks/
Everything about #MobileMonday is FUN! Create a separate entertaining website just for mobile marketing. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/241222
Even if you’re not a beginner with social media marketing, you’ll find these 3 tips helpful. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/240471
#FacebookFriday suggestions…take a look at successful brand pages & apply their ideas to your page. http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/2014/12/something-to-aspire-to-a-look-at-facebooks-top-brand-pages.html
A Mobile Strategy Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Building an App #MobileMondayRead more at http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/generating-leads-mobile-marketing-01054158#AdAzqYXFdF9Qbr7Z.99 #MobileMonday fact: Google ranks mobile-optimized sites higher in mobile searches. With 15% of traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s really important how well your website ranks. Make sure to choose an email software that is mobile ready. I recommend MailChimp. MailChimp offers […]
Don’t blog just because someone told you to. A blog is a huge investment and sustaining that blog can take a lot of work. But there are a lot of good reasons to dig in and blog like you mean it. http://moz.com/blog/should-you-blog Are you utilizing long tail keywords for your SEO? They are a great […]
Social Media Marketing Tip: Outbrain brands itself as the world’s largest and most trusted content discovery platform. Use it to extend the reach of business blog posts to target audiences on leading, industry-specific news and information websites. https://www.outbrain.com/ How about some holiday marketing tips from Mari Smith!http://allfacebook.com/6-holiday-shopping-season-tips-mari-smith_b135984 If you’ve been working in social media for […]
We’re always looking for a plugin that will create a landing/sales page to convert leads or sales. Here are 10 solutions:http://www.wpkube.com/wordpress-landing-page-plugins/#WordpressWednesday Have you been using a forum for your clients, members, customers, that’s outside of your WP site? Wouldn’t be great to integrate into your site? Here’s how: http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/how-to-integrate-an-existing-forum-into-wordpress #WordpressWednesday Good morning #WordpessWednesday! Want to […]
#TwitterTip: Use tools such as http://www.tweetlater.com/ to set up posts in advance. That way, even if you can’t post something each day, packages like this will send your posts out for you. #TwitterTuesday tip: Very often on social networking sites, like-minded individuals and businesses are organized into groups, as on LinkedIn. That makes it easier […]