
  • Social Media Self Audit

    social media self audit | KimMcDaniels Co.

    When starting with a social media management client I do an audit of their accounts. You can perform a self audit by asking yourself these questions:

    • How do you feel about engaging on social media?
    • What social media platform do you think your audience is on?
    • How much time do you spend creating posts for social media?
    • Do you feel you should increase or decrease the time you spent creating social media posts?
    • If you increase time spent creating social media, where will this time come from?
    • What platforms/networks are you on and how many times per day do you post?
    • What do you think the ideal number of posts per day should be?
    • What are your most responsive type of posts?
      • text only, photos with commentary, video, live, stories, memes, posts with humor, new blog content, product links?
    • Do you know your competitors? If so, make a list and compare your social media presence to theirs.
    • What hashtags is your ideal customer using in their posts?
    • What type of content do you think your customer would respond to?
      • video, live, photo posts, etc.
    • What do you need to do to start creating more of what your customer is responding to?

    I’m happy to discuss your results with a 30 minute strategy session. Calendar link:

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  • Time-Saving Tips for Staying Active on Social Media

    time saving tips on social media | Kim McDaniels Co.

    Time-Saving Tips For Staying Active on Social Media: Know what to look for when you log in.

    Notifications, Messages, and Friend requests: Check

    Your own profile: click on your own profile at least once a day. Check for photos that didn’t upload correctly, links that don’t work, or anything else that didn’t get posted as you had planned.

    Your news feed: scroll through your news feed to see what your friends are posting. Notice that I said “𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵” and not “read everything everyone has posted for the past 24 hours”. Only read the things that catch your eye, comment on them if you feel so inclined, and then move on.

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  • 3 Powerful Visual Trends for 2016

    3 factors that will make powerful images in 2016.

    Posted by Social Posties on Thursday, December 10, 2015

    There are many resources available to help you manage your boards and pins, which can be easily created with visual resources like Canva, Flipagram, PicMonkey, and more.

    Posted by Social Posties on Thursday, December 10, 2015

    Start off 2016 with a catalog of custom marketing memes! Any industry or business can have specialty image…

    Posted by Social Posties on Thursday, December 10, 2015

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  • Facebook Friday… October 24

    Wondering WHY you’d want to be on Pinterest? Take a look at my stats & read this article about the new “smart feed” on Pinterest and do some pinning!


    Study shows number of marketing videos uploaded directly to Facebook will outnumber those added to YouTube by end of year. #FacebookFriday


    There are some fabulous Facebook tools out there, and they can help push your Facebook marketing campaign forward with contests, insights, advertising, and more.


    A timely take on “Zombie Marketing” tactics.

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