
  • Social Media Self Audit

    social media self audit | KimMcDaniels Co.

    When starting with a social media management client I do an audit of their accounts. You can perform a self audit by asking yourself these questions:

    • How do you feel about engaging on social media?
    • What social media platform do you think your audience is on?
    • How much time do you spend creating posts for social media?
    • Do you feel you should increase or decrease the time you spent creating social media posts?
    • If you increase time spent creating social media, where will this time come from?
    • What platforms/networks are you on and how many times per day do you post?
    • What do you think the ideal number of posts per day should be?
    • What are your most responsive type of posts?
      • text only, photos with commentary, video, live, stories, memes, posts with humor, new blog content, product links?
    • Do you know your competitors? If so, make a list and compare your social media presence to theirs.
    • What hashtags is your ideal customer using in their posts?
    • What type of content do you think your customer would respond to?
      • video, live, photo posts, etc.
    • What do you need to do to start creating more of what your customer is responding to?

    I’m happy to discuss your results with a 30 minute strategy session. Calendar link:

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  • 3 Powerful Visual Trends for 2016

    3 factors that will make powerful images in 2016.

    Posted by Social Posties on Thursday, December 10, 2015

    There are many resources available to help you manage your boards and pins, which can be easily created with visual resources like Canva, Flipagram, PicMonkey, and more.

    Posted by Social Posties on Thursday, December 10, 2015

    Start off 2016 with a catalog of custom marketing memes! Any industry or business can have specialty image…

    Posted by Social Posties on Thursday, December 10, 2015

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  • Visual Marketing: Get Your Followers to Help!

    Visual Marketing Tip: Get your followers to help!Create a weekly series, which could be “share photos of your dog Days”…

    Posted by Social Posties on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

    It not too late! Get your social media marketing ready for the holidays: Profile Pictures. Try to think of iconic…

    Posted by Social Posties on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

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  • Twitter Tuesday… November 4

    #TwitterTip: Use tools such as to set up posts in advance. That way, even if you can’t post something each day, packages like this will send your posts out for you.

    #TwitterTuesday tip: Very often on social networking sites, like-minded individuals and businesses are organized into groups, as on LinkedIn. That makes it easier to find people who may be interested in what you do. Join these groups and start participating. You never know what could happen.


    Are you luvin’ #TwitterTuesday? How about 10 AWESOME tools for analyzing your tweets & followers!

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  • Twitter Tuesday… October 28

    Wishing you a joyous #TwitterTuesday! Did you know…You can use 140 characters if you want, but research shows that the most engaging Tweets are between 110 and 115 characters. There’s almost a 34% higher probability of ReTweets and replies on Tweets between 110 and 115 characters.


    #TwitterTuesday tip: Hashtags make your Tweets visible to a wider audience on trending Twitter topics. Tweets with relevant hashtags have a 55% higher probability of getting ReTweeted as compared to plain text Tweets.

    An OMG #TwitterTuesday moment… Tweets capped with quotation marks are likely to attract almost 30% more ReTweets.


    Image based Tweets have always been known to attract higher engagement and a much higher number of RTs. But exactly how much? Almost 200% more! #TwitterTuesday

    Try Twitter SMS: It expands the reach of your Tweets by sending them as SMS to your subscribers. People can subscribe to your Twitter mobile updates by sending an SMS “Follow <YourTwitterHandle>” to 40404 (this code is different for every country <> But make sure you create a separate Twitter account for the mobile subscribers, so that they don’t get irritated by continuous messages. Use this feature selectively and only when you have something important to communicate.

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  • Twitter Tuesday…October 21


    It’s #TwitterTuesday! If you’re looking to wow your followers, and the Twitter community, then make sure that you give these seven tips a try.

    Live tweeting an event tip: Be careful not to just post the sound bites from speakers, as it’s so common that you’ll notice everyone doing it. You want to be unique and stand out, so that other people will retweet and follow you. So instead, try to build on the comment given, either by posing a question, a challenge or furthering the idea with your own insights. #TwitterTuesday

    #TwitterTuesday tip: Do you use the Twitter keyboard shortcuts? Type a question mark on any Twitter page to bring up the menu. Among my favorite shortcuts:
    g + l = Takes me directly to my Twitter lists
    j / k = Cycling forward and backward through tweets
    Enter = Open tweet details
    | = Close all open tweets

    #TwitterTuesday tip: You can access Advanced Search from any search results page, and the extra options of search allow you to customize the results based on hashtags, language, location, and more.

    How do you use #Twitter favorites? How about: Use favorites to mark tweets that are complimentary of your brand or product. Use favorites when you want to say thanks to someone for tweeting your content. Use favorites as a read-later device to track the content you want to save for later.

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  • Twitter Tuesday…October 14

    Welcome #TwitterTuesday! Find out what & how to use Twitter Cards, Pinned Tweets, and Embedded Tweets.


    Twitter Automation: Be mindful of the automated tools you use, don’t retweet everything you’re mentioned in – if you want to express gratitude, a simple “favorite” would do. Don’t automatically thank everyone who follows you. It’s obvious and instead of showing you value people, it shows you letting bots handle interaction. author: Kent Wakely #TwitterTuesday

    Twitter cards allow for more immersive social sharing by including rich media elements and your Twitter handle in the Tweet. WordPress plugins that support this include Jetpack, Yoast SEO, and JM Twitter Cards. author: Kent Wakely #TwitterTuesday


    Great #TwitterTuesday tip: As different from regular (non-advertising) tweets, don’t include hashtags, @ symbols, image URLs, or any other clickable elements in your tweet other than your delivery URL. Anything else will distract potential leads from clicking through to your intended offer or content. This is especially important for pay-per-engagement campaigns since you’ll pay for any clicks on hashtags, etc. author: Howard J. Sewell

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