Welcome #TwitterTuesday! Find out what & how to use Twitter Cards, Pinned Tweets, and Embedded Tweets. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alex-ivanovs/3-twitter-marketing-featu_b_5911776.html
Twitter Automation: Be mindful of the automated tools you use, don’t retweet everything you’re mentioned in – if you want to express gratitude, a simple “favorite” would do. Don’t automatically thank everyone who follows you. It’s obvious and instead of showing you value people, it shows you letting bots handle interaction. author: Kent Wakely #TwitterTuesday
Twitter cards allow for more immersive social sharing by including rich media elements and your Twitter handle in the Tweet. WordPress plugins that support this include Jetpack, Yoast SEO, and JM Twitter Cards. author: Kent Wakely #TwitterTuesday
Great #TwitterTuesday tip: As different from regular (non-advertising) tweets, don’t include hashtags, @ symbols, image URLs, or any other clickable elements in your tweet other than your delivery URL. Anything else will distract potential leads from clicking through to your intended offer or content. This is especially important for pay-per-engagement campaigns since you’ll pay for any clicks on hashtags, etc. author: Howard J. Sewell
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