Halloween is almost here, it’s not too late to get something out there in celebration! What about posting some Halloween pictures of locals on your social media channels? If you aren’t sure how this would pan out since it is short notice, what about asking your employees, friend or family to give you pictures of their favorite costumes when they were younger or even some of your favorite carved pumpkin pictures?
What could you ‘GoPro’ in your business & share on social media? Get some ideas here: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/4-ways-gopro-social-media-inspire-brand-fans-01047664
Unfortunately, a lot of the traffic roaming around the Internet is going to pass you by if you haven’t taken steps to optimize your conversion rate.http://www.tapscape.com/5-ways-web-traffic-converts/
Hashtags allow us to search conversations where our target customers mostly hang out. When you want to reach a large audience by launching a visual social campaign, then you can use hashtags. Read more athttp://www.business2community.com/marketing/confused-hashtags-5-expert-tips-marketing-hashtags-01045645#dh1OYvfrhrYQxLQr.99