
It’s #TwitterTuesday! If you’re looking to wow your followers, and the Twitter community, then make sure that you give these seven tips a try.

Live tweeting an event tip: Be careful not to just post the sound bites from speakers, as it’s so common that you’ll notice everyone doing it. You want to be unique and stand out, so that other people will retweet and follow you. So instead, try to build on the comment given, either by posing a question, a challenge or furthering the idea with your own insights. #TwitterTuesday

#TwitterTuesday tip: Do you use the Twitter keyboard shortcuts? Type a question mark on any Twitter page to bring up the menu. Among my favorite shortcuts:
g + l = Takes me directly to my Twitter lists
j / k = Cycling forward and backward through tweets
Enter = Open tweet details
| = Close all open tweets

#TwitterTuesday tip: You can access Advanced Search from any search results page, and the extra options of search allow you to customize the results based on hashtags, language, location, and more.

How do you use #Twitter favorites? How about: Use favorites to mark tweets that are complimentary of your brand or product. Use favorites when you want to say thanks to someone for tweeting your content. Use favorites as a read-later device to track the content you want to save for later.